UP. Sabine's Gull first summer (right) with a Little Gull first summer. The Sabine's was observed for the first time on 4 July 2001, while this picture was taken on 30 July 2001. This is the third for Italy, if accepted; previous accepted records: Venetia 1959 and 1971. Photo by Menotti Passarella DOWN: Black-headed Gull and Sabine Gull. 30 July 2001. Photo by Menotti Passarella. 

UP. The same bird, August 2001. Photo by Maurizio Sighele. DOWN. The Sabine's flying, August 2001. Photo by Giulio Piras. 
Click here to see 3 more photos of the same bird, taken by Stefano Fantini on 12 August 2001: http://digilander.iol.it/Avifaunacesenate/Gab_sabine.htm |